Craig Simon Hybrid Process - Abayneh Yunna, Ethiop
Torque Coffees

Craig Simon Hybrid Process - Abayneh Yunna, Ethiop

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San Diego, CA

Craig Simon Hybrid Process - Abayneh Yunna, Ethiop
12 OZ


This superb micro processed lot was an experimental process that resulted in Spectacular clarity and mesmerizing flavors

Altitude, meters

1900 - 2150






Pulped Natural


Ethiopia Heirloom

Notes from the curator

The Craig Simon Hybrid Process A continuation of the processing method originally done in Panama in 2013 with Craig Simon. That coffee won the 2014 Brewer's Cup and was used in Craig's routine to capture 4th place for the World Barista competition. Abaneyeh and Steve decided to try this process in Ethiopia with the Betibiroti coffee. So the basis for the flavors and attributes are similar but turned up to 11! A hybrid natural/honey process with a twist.

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Super sweet coffee from some of the best coffee producers anywhere, who share in the equity of every coffee you buy. It’s wonderful, radical, proportional and equitable. It’s what coffee should be.


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