Rume Sudan is an extremely rare cultivar from their Laboratory farm. It has intense tropical fruit and sweet savory note
Altitude, meters
1600 - 1700
El Salvador
santa Ana
Sudan Rume
Notes from the curator
The Rume Sudan was selected as part of Maria Pacas Incunables program which is the highest scoring, most remarkable coffees. Natural Process: Coffee cherries are carefully hand-picked at the farm. After harvesting, any underripe, dry, or green cherries are removed from the batch. The selected cherries are then transported to our mill, Vivagua. The cherries are not pulped; instead, they are immediately spread out on patios or raised beds for drying.
More about Torque Coffees
Super sweet coffee from some of the best coffee producers anywhere, who share in the equity of every coffee you buy. It’s wonderful, radical, proportional and equitable. It’s what coffee should be.