Betibiroti - Abayneh Yunna, Ethiopia
Torque Coffees

Betibiroti - Abayneh Yunna, Ethiopia


7 reviews

San Diego, CA

Betibiroti - Abayneh Yunna, Ethiopia
12 OZ


A beautifully fragrant Ethiopian coffee from Sidama. This is the stuff coffee dreams are made of. Abayneh's a magician.

Altitude, meters

1950 - 2150






Fully Washed


Ethiopia Heirloom

Notes from the curator

In the highlands of Daye Bensa, Ethiopia, Abayneh Yunna, a coffee maestro and Project Site Manager, cultivates life. His meticulous care extends from coffee beans to ShantaGenet Elementary, sponsored by Ardent Coffee. The heart is the Betibiroti project, led by Abayneh, embracing diversity, unity, and innovative processing. The ShantaGolba Wet/Dry Station becomes a hive of creativity. Amid harvest, Betibiroti unites 1200 farmers, cocooned by lush trees. In Allo, Dembi, and Wonsho, transformative

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Super sweet coffee from some of the best coffee producers anywhere, who share in the equity of every coffee you buy. It’s wonderful, radical, proportional and equitable. It’s what coffee should be.


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Sean McWilliams avatarby Sean McWilliams

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